Why choose DIGOMIC?
Examining the personality, knowledge, type of services and activities of DIGOMIC shows that the appropriate costs of consulting and flexibility in providing DIGOMIC services, while creating permanent security, stability and stability in providing services, can lead you to great benefits and prevent many losses.Provide diverse and appropriate choices with work and conditions and avoid wasting time to obtain comprehensive information required by the project.
Having complete information about problems, obstacles and solutions to problems anticipated and not anticipated during the implementation of projects.
Use of a large DIGOMIC information, obtaining licenses and quick access to information according to the subject of customer activity.
Valuable and reputable regional brands
Filmmakers, distributors and video and music
distribution networks
Producers and producers of audio and video content
Artists, actors, stand-up comedians, make-up artists
Who are the DIGOMIC Partners?
Related businesses based on digital technologies
Entertainment-related businesses
Producing companies
Publishers and authors
Numbers of our customers
Numbers of our services
Numbers of our successful contracts
Numbers of countries that we work with